Lam Tai Fai College
Outstanding Athletes Incentive Awards Scheme 2021
Outstanding Athletes Incentive Awards Scheme 2021
CHEUNG Ka Long Room Naming Ceremony
Designing Murals for the School Hand in Hand
15th Anniversary - Alumni Banquet, Passing the Torch
Fashion Show
Outstanding Athletes Incentive Awards Scheme 2021
CHEUNG Ka Long Room Naming Ceremony

2. EAG Torch Relay at LTFC ---- Light the Way & Share the Dream --- 15th October 2009

We are happy to be part of the Legend. "Light the Way to EAG!" and experienced our fist ever EAG Torch Relay at LTFC in our Athletics Meet on Thursday, 15th October, 2009. The torchbearers, members of the Hong Kong Teams in our teaching and student force and the representatives of PTA, all surprised us with their relay doe such a great and such a great event!

Light the Way & Share the Dream

EAG flame lights passion in Hong Kong, so does in LTFC and in the hearts of our teachers, parents and students. Out Teacher and Student Athletes, who are the members of the Hong Kong Team and the representatives of the Parent-Teacher Association, took over the torch and translated our EAG Educational Series into action at the Ma On Shan Sportsground at our 6th Annual Athletics Meet on 15th October, 2009. Teachers, students and parents applauded to show their support. Through this whole-school endeavour from teachers, parents and to students, we embrace the EAG Spirit with passion and a sense of nationhood is aspired. It is believed that HK's legend as demonstrated by the torch relay will continue to perpetuate through the education that LTFC provides. As reflected by our students, the mini EAG torch relay was not only a ceremony for the passing of EAG Flame but also a message, much more indeed a National Education lesson. The goal of 'Be Our Legend' is there for us to achieve.

In this mock torch relay, the torchbearers reminded us of how important it is to set a clear goal before achieving it, but more importantly, clarifying the difference between a goal and a dream. If we though and planned things seriously before we did them, we could forge ahead undeterred by difficulties, and solve them. Together we light our way and share the dream. We will be part of our LEGEND …

We are looking forward to the returning of the EAG flame in December and every second counts in the remaining days to the grand opening of this historical moment!.

Video clip: EAG Torch Relay at LTFC

LTFC Torch Bearers

Miss Cheung Tin Yu
Representative of Hong Kong Handball Team
SS1E Lee Yan Yee
Representative of HKSSF Interport Cross-country Team

Our Torchbearers

Nicoloas Choi, Member of H K Fencing Team
Our Parents' Representative,
Mrs May Chan (Chairlady of PTA) & Mr K K Luk (EC Member of PTA)
  Ms Lisa To, Member of the H K Fencing Team

What a Great Day!!!