LTFC Student, Jane Ho and Wing Leung won the 1st runner up and the Best Craft Award 「my STYLE」時裝及髮型表演2009 本校中四學生何蔓嬈和梁嘉詠分別榮獲亞軍和最佳物料應用
林大輝中學中七級羅佩琪同學 中、小學師生視覺藝術卓越作品大獎再獲殊榮 Law Pui Ki of Lam Tai Fai College, Artistic Talent Reaffirmed
Budding LTFC Art Elites & renowned artists - LTFC Art Elites Participated in "Oasis.Mirage: Hong Kong International Sculpture Symposium 2009" at West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade 林大輝中學精英藝術生在西九龍海濱長廊參加「城市綠洲‧海市蜃樓2009香港國際雕塑交流營」活動
Our students designed 21 fashion pieces and performed a fashion show ...
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