Lam Tai Fai College

We are excited to witness our talented alumnus, Mr Ho Wai Hang, advanced to table of 32 at the Paris 2024 Olympics in Man’s Epee! Although Ho’s Olympic journey ends at this stage, this noteworthy accomplishment of his is still a testament to his long-term hard work and determination, which is exceptionally astonishing, considering that this is his first ever Olympics.

Competing at such a high level and making it on the world stage is a significant milestone, bringing great pride to our school community. His progress from our classrooms to the Olympic arena exemplifies the perseverance and dedication we value and promote in our students. Our heartfelt congratulations go out to Ho for this remarkable achievement. His journey serves as a source of inspiration for current and future students, demonstrating that with effort and commitment, exceptional goals can be realized. We are all cheering for you and wish you the best in your future journey.
