Lam Tai Fai College

Expanding Horizons: An Enriching Study Tour to Guangdong University of Technology

With the aim of equipping our students with cutting-edge technological expertise, the school recently organized a transformative study tour to the renowned Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT) in China. This immersive experience provided our students with hands-on learning opportunities and valuable insights into the latest advancements in various fields of innovation.

The study tour was designed to expose our students to GDUT's state-of-the-art facilities and renowned faculty. Highlights of the tour included a drone science popularization lecture, hands-on drone flight demonstration, an intelligent robotics workshop, an exploration of automotive design processes, and experiences in 3D printing, virtual reality, and laser engraving.

Through these experiences, our students gained a deeper understanding of emerging technologies and their applications. They had the opportunity to operate cutting-edge equipment, collaborate on design projects, and witness the transformative potential of innovation first-hand.

The study tour was made possible through the generous support and hospitality of GDUT's leadership, including member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and deputy cadre of GDUT, Zhang Xueli, as well as the Dean and Associate Dean of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute, Xie Guangqiang and Xu Jinzhen. (廣東工業大學黨委常委、副校級幹部張學理先生,創新創業學院常務副院長謝光强先生、創新創業學院行政副院長許金鎮先生)

This remarkable experience has not only expanded our students' horizons, but it has also reinforced the school's commitment to fostering a culture of technological excellence. As our students return, brimming with newfound knowledge and enthusiasm, we are confident that they will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of innovation.