LTFC Alumni Association


本會於2021年12月2日 邀請了兩位校友回母校和中三與中四的同學們討論怎樣規劃人生和分享他讀書和工作的經歷,並詳細講解了他們所屬行業的就業資訊。

第一位分享的校友是高正先生。他是本校第一屆陸運會的全場總冠軍,從小就喜歡嘗試不同類型的運動。他曾在2013年廣東省傳統武術比賽及富德搏擊新人王金腰帶大賽 57KG級別中獲得冠軍,但他的運動之路並不是一帆風順。因身體受傷,他曾經無法進行劇烈運動,但機緣巧合的情況下接觸了白眉派的功夫。經過多年努力,高正先生現已成為白眉派的第七代傳人,曾在央視2018年全球華人春節聯歡晚會展現白眉派功夫,為白眉派的承傳盡心盡力。他的分享令同學們領悟了永不放棄的精神。



Alumni Sharing 2022 – Planning Your Life

Two former students of LTFC were invited by the school's Alumni Association to share their respective career journeys with our S.3 and S.4 students in December.

The two alumni, Mr. Ko Ching and Mr. Ko Hei Tat, detailed the experiences leading up to their current career success. Their accounts not only allowed students to understand more about their respective career fields, but also highlighted the importance of not giving up, inspiring students to pursue their dreams even in the face of obstacles.

As a token of appreciation, Principal Kwok and teacher Ms. Wang Xiao Fan presented the two alumni with a school pennant each.


