Lam Tai Fai College

In recognition of Outstanding Attainment in Arts & Design, Ho Man Yiu, our S5 student, was being awarded the Arts Achievement Prize (12-08-09)
「賀國慶 迎東亞」 二零零九年沙田區青少年獎勵計劃 藝術成就獎亞軍

As the recipient of numerous awards in Arts & Design, Man Yiu was once again awarded the 1st Runner-up of the Arts Achievement Prize of the Shatin Youth Award Scheme 2009 organized by Shatin District Summer Youth Programme Committee.

Studying in Lam Tai Fai College where her talent is discovered and potential further stretched, Man Yiu has proved her dedication to creativity, originality and imagination in all her works. What she has demonstrated --- having gone beyond our obvious and explore new ways of creative design. What an amazing achievement with such a strong drive to show her own talent for arts and design! In her entries, Man Yiu has produced a wide range of works to celebrate our National Anniversary and prepare for the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games --- A Showcase of Love & Pride for our Motherland. In the course, not only are Man Yiu developing her creative and aesthetic talents, she has learnt to love and care for our school, our community and our nation. Good pieces of work preparing our students for good citizenship and nationhood.

5TH 何蔓嬈同學於藝術方面成就非凡,在二零零九年沙田區青少年獎勵計劃的比賽中