Lam Tai Fai College

After many rehearsals, continuous effort and preparation, the school's long anticipated first fashion show of the year was born. It was also the highlight of the fashion month and was such a showcase and a huge success.

The theme of this magnificent show was called 「Ethnic Chic – the fusion of traditional and modern fashion」. It combined the glamour, style, culture and tradition of different countries into one. More than 70 enthusiastic parents attended and their joyful support and encouragement added extra value to the event.

The immaculate venue, settings and the catwalk were the exact replica of a real fashion show. It accentuated our professionalism and potentials, and also confirmed our school's belief and dedication in nurturing the next creative generation.

This show was the product of all the hard work during the school year by the students, teachers and other involved parties. It also represented the summation of all the fascinating ingredients they have learnt this school year: gathering information, sketching, purchasing materials, cutting, fitting, searching for suitable models, designing their catwalk style, make-up, hair style and accessories, etc. The whole operation of this extravaganza was accomplished by our extraordinary and creative students themselves. Their work clearly demonstrated exceptional abilities and talents, which were not only a milestone in the school's progress, but also a promise for future success in the industry.

After the attractive and eye-catching catwalk show, the students' masterpieces were then graded by our honourable guests and panel of judges – Professor AU Wai-Man, Associate Professor & PhD Adviser, Institute of Textiles & Clothing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Ms TSANG Yuk-Mei, Panel Member of Arts-in-Life of Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School; and Mr. HO Chu-Po, Demonstrator of the Institute of Textiles & Clothing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Fashion 2005 Fashion 2005

During the prize giving, Professor Au delivered a remarkable keynote speech on the importance of teaching our children the significance of art appreciation from childhood. 「We should also help them to develop a keen eye towards all art forms,」 he said.

His valuable advice, guidance and support throughout the event were the backbone contributing to the success of this occasion.

Through this event, students have learnt the power of team spirit and perseverance in facing major challenges and difficulties.