Lam Tai Fai College


S6 Students Giving Thanks to School at Graduation Dinner

In order to let students express gratitude to the school and celebrate the delight of going through another milestone in life, the graduation dinner was held at Hotel Icon at Tsim Sha Tsui last week. Our Supervisor Dr Lam, teachers and students shared an evening with glee and happy tears. So Yau Pei Ying from S6D revealed her exclamation as she witnessed the growth of her counterparts and walked down the memory lane in LTFC on this gratifying occasion. 'Uniforms and loafers are replaced by high heels and evening gowns today. Thanks to our teachers, we are now mature and have grown up to take on new challenges,' said So. Once again, we wish all our students a fruitful future and an optimistic mindset and courage to live through the advantages ahead!

為了讓本屆畢業生表達對母校的謝意,並慶祝同學即將展開人生新里程,本校特別於尖沙咀Hotel Icon舉辦中六級謝師晚宴。林大輝校監與一眾師生盛裝出席,度過了愉快而温馨的晚上。S6D蘇珮瑩同學最難忘的不僅是師生離別的不捨之情,她還驚嘆同窗們彷彿一夜長大:「我在宴會開始前,接待一位又一位的同學到場,散席後目送一位又一位的同學離開,才驚覺每個同學成熟、精緻的打扮,無不在告訴老師們:我們長大了,換上高跟鞋、皮鞋,褪去了稚嫩的外殼。感謝各位老師悉心教導,讓我們這群小花苗茁壯成長。我們會銘記老師們的教導,在自己的路上繼續盛放,面對新挑戰。」 在此再次祝願各位畢業生前程錦繡!勇往直前!